August had been a month of news and events. From Anna to Ankit, Manmohan singh to Mehul, Delhi to Darshniyaa and from N for something to ND, it has been good news, events and celebrations. But what matters actually is what it takes to reach that reason of celebration and no other can understand that feelings except the one who knew it was going to happen but kept the lips silent until it’s done and that’s what this post say it all. This post could be termed as On the Edge Part III or Miles to go Part II but I guess it’ll be too early to say until it’s done. Every being (and not only human being) has foreseen a dream with no regards to size, length or nature of the dream and trust me, the whole universe celebrates when that dream accomplishes then whether it’s a rock climber tracking a mountain, a salesman selling his first packet of job or a small kid learning to drive a bicycle. They all cherish the celebration of living their dream along with the world but the strength paid i...