Lights, camera, action… These are the three words that capture all the attention for an outsider. Well, we'll check for the middle one first. Camera… We'll go for types of camera angle and types of coverage shots in this post. And in part 2 we'll study how camera angles define or reflect the need of the scene. So let's not waste the time and start the thing of concern. Physically camera angles can be of various types (that we'll see in part 2) but theoretically they are of three types. Objective, Subjective & Point of view. Objective angle is the most common one that we see normally in any of the film. You watch the film as in you are just watching it. It is the "fly on the wall" viewpoint where the audience sees what is happening but feels safely removed from the events as though they were there, but invisible. The actors must never look directly at the camera lens for that will destroy the illusion of ...