No wonder
I’m starting this with word No wonder.
(Don’t misunderstand, Wonder Masala haven’t paid me for advt) Friends,
Life, Dreams and… is truly a random article of Random Strokes not because of
its virtue but for the way its being written. No googling for Casual category,
no thinking for Strokes category, no imaginations for Derick Jefferson/Face 2
Face with Shashvat or no movie review for I never criticize. Simply writing
whatever mind says. (Actually mind thinks.) Definitely reserved for D’s category
and this is how actually Friends, Life and Dreams are… No preplanned activity.
Truly ransome. (Random+Awesome)
are this, friends are that, friends are everything you say you bet. Too much
have been said for friends and friendship and as always it still falls short.
So I’m not going to add something to it. (And I know you don’t want me to do
so.) Well, same is with life. Too much (And this time literally too much) have
been said for life too. Dreams differ here. They haven’t been elaborated as
compared to friends and life. And the reason behind that is everyone has
different dream. But on the contrary they share equal 25% as friends and life.
(Wonder what’s remaining 25%? It’s what after “and…” in the heading. Will talk
about it at the end.)
(Verb of Concept: Grammatically wrong word) says Life has Friends and Dreams
within. On the other side Friends also have Life and Dreams and Dreams can Have
Friends, Life and even the things that don’t exist. Naturally Dreams are more
powerful. They posses more attribute. But you’re not “dream.” You’re a normal
Human Being. (Not all of you.) And you posses Life, Friends, Dreams… (It’s too
small post to simplify the complications. Need to Co-write Simply Complicative.
A blog worth for simple complications.) So as you read, I was actually trying
to relate the commonly uncommon elements. You can’t just read/write them. (Of
course they aren’t DVDs.) They are competitive yet not rivals. Ask yourself to
let go one for another. Like, sacrificing your dreams for your life what a
middleclass individual does for daily basis, giving up your life for your
friend what a friend can only realize or Letting go a friend for his/her dream
which also only a friend can realize. These all are multiplied together with
synergy effect. (And best example is the category this belongs to: D’s. Love
you Guys.) They complete and complement each other with the fourth 25% share
holder co-ordinate.
The fourth
dimension is Time but not here as we aren’t talking of dimensions but the elements.
And this fourth element is… will talk about it next time coz the fourth
dimension i.e. Time is running out. Keep Dreaming, Living and Friending…
(Grammatically wrong but conceptically a right word.) Keep reading Random
Strokes too with all above. Love – DJ.
Ransome Post DJ..Awaiting for disclose of fourth element.. :)
ReplyDeleteAs kadir said..! Awaiting for "and..." and nice use of Dsnary..!