Writing my next post under Casual category, but I guess, friends can never be categorized casually. So on this friendship day, let’s recall the most uncasual (grammatically a wrong word but it’s irreplaceable with formal.) part of your life, the amazing ghosts of your life… Friends, without whom, your life is worth a ghost house.
It’s really difficult to write on the simplest element of your life. Friends are those with whom you dare to be yourself without any kind of fear. It’s not that I’m promoting here but they are like my friend Mehul’s blog name, ‘Simply Complicative…’ They always claim to protect you after hitting you enough. They insist to solve your problems after creating some for you. They are the ones with whom you love to cry then laughing alone. They are another you… Friends.
It’s again not that I’m promoting here but friends are like my another friend, Darshan’s blog name ‘Neet-Vasant’ and my sis Foram’s blog name ‘FORever blossAM’ too. They keep your life aromatic with aroma of their love, warmth and care. Another consideration is ‘Neet-vasant’ means being in spring forever and ‘FORever blossAM’ also imply the same. Though both have same meaning but origins of names are different for different reasons. Friends are also of same kind. They are used to connote same though they are different beings from different culture or even having different opinions on different matters.
A ship that never sinks is Friendship… I know there are thousands of quotes and stories that identify friendship at its best but I’m giving here some photos that signify the best sense of Friendship as picture always works better than words… (Confessing the truth that I’m also not getting words for such a wonderful feeling that pictures below are easily conveying…)
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